Are you ready to heal your codependency?
The Codependency Cure is the last stop on your 
codependency healing journey.
(No more people-pleasing, PERIOD. Just freedom, peace, & power.)
Whether you’ve been in therapy for years or you just discovered the word "codependency", 
The Codependency Cure Mentorship will change your life.
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Your partner, your job, your mom….they’re not the problem.
Crazy, I know. Stay with me…
(I promise--this is good news)

Here’s the problem--currently you are:
  • Exhausted from trying to cobble together a solution to your problems from every book and podcast & YouTube video & article on the web.
  • At a loss for what to do next in your relationship (you’ve already tried “communicating your needs” to your partner--and for what??).
  • ​Ready to trade in your perfectionist over-achieving habits for a more peaceful (but even more successful) experience in your career.
  • ​Tired of spending most your time in resentment, anger, blame, and victimhood.
  • Looking forward to what it feels like to actually *relax* and enjoy your life (is that a thing people do??).
Which Means That You...
Which Means That You...
  • Stay stuck in resentment and victimhood in your relationship instead of being able to enjoy, appreciate, and love your partner.
  • ​Spend so much time trying to be who others want you to be that you’ve lost sight of who you really are--so you feel more disconnected and unhappy than ever even if you’re winning everyone over with your award-winning acting skills.
  • ​Feel overly attached to your partner as the source of your happiness--and this is a recipe for certain disaster.
  • ​Truly believe that you don’t have the right to live your life on YOUR terms, so you spend it the way you think other people want you to (and it feels awful because you know that’s what’s happening).
  • ​Let yourself feel afraid, and learn how to do it anyway.
  • ​Can’t enjoy anything you’ve worked to achieve--you’re too busy criticising yourself, obsessing over the future, or dwelling on the past to actually live in the moment.
You don't have to waste another day in this crazy codependent cycle. 
What if you truly lived your life for yourself, didn’t feel guilty about it, & dropped all the self-judgment & obsessive negative thinking?
Imagine what your life could be like if you stopped people-pleasing & actually started living on purpose?
~How much more confident and happy would you feel each day?

~How excited would you be about your life rather than stuck in shame or fear or guilt?

~How would your relationships change?

~How would you be able to show up at work or in your business?

~How would you go about setting and achieving new dreams and goals?

You will master all of this and more in The Codependency Cure Mentorship. 
This life is yours already & is waiting for you right now.
After you go through The Mentorship, you will...
  • Master a simple, failsafe framework to help you think through any problem.
  • Discover exactly where your boundaries are, and how to honor them.
  • Separate what your wants and needs from those of anyone else (even loved ones).
  • ​Make any decision confidently.
  • ​Leave or change toxic relationships that are harming you or holding you back.
  • ​Heal the resentment you feel towards people you truly care about and the guilt that comes with it.
  • ​Quit the avoidance and self-sabotage that comes up when you’re afraid or overwhelmed.
  • ​Let yourself feel afraid, and learn how to do it anyway.
  • ​Stop saying I should and start saying I did.

But most importantly The Codependency Cure will fortify you against worrying about what other people think, no matter how much you doubt yourself today. That is peace.

I built The Codependency Cure to be totally value-packed. In fact it’s designed to get you the same results as my private clients, at a fraction of the investment it normally takes to work with me.

How does it work?
  • Private Slack community where ALL the resources are housed: weekly lessons, book and podcast recommendations, individual wins and struggles, memes (yes, we have a meme channel and YES, it’s my favorite).
  • 24 weeks of group coaching calls to cover the topics that are having the biggest impact on your life now, and how to address them—people pleasing, processing guilt and shame, perfectionism, the patriarchy, you name it. I’ll even give you on-the-spot coaching if you’re really stuck on that week’s topic.
  • Recordings of each group coaching call uploaded to our private podcast thread. Download and review any lesson whenever you need to.
  • ​Access to me on weekdays in the Slack community answering any question and responding to every meme (a very important part of my work).
  • Lifetime access to Codependent Millennial monthly alumni coaching calls that you can bring any question to. I will be here to support you well after you've completed the Mentorship.
  • ​Lifetime access to ALL Codependency Cure content--even after you've completed the Mentorship! This is priceless.
  • The EXCLUSIVE Codependency Cure workbook. This is a massive textbook of over 120 pages, 100+ writing prompts, daily journaling that goes beyond the length of the program, and worksheets to correspond with our weekly group coaching calls.
Fun fact: the ONLY way to get your hands on this book is by working with me. It is not available for separate purchase anywhere.

Hi, I'm Sophie.
I'm the codependent millennial.
Or at least, I was.
For years, I thought people-pleasing was my purpose.

No matter how awful it made me feel, I kept neglecting my own wants and needs in an attempt to make others happy, comfortable, and accepting of me. 

I was deeply codependent and I didn’t know it.

I took and took and took from myself and I grew lost, angry, depressed, and resentful. It was a vicious cycle that left me feeling like I was wasting my 20’s--what were supposed to be the best years of my life--on being miserable.

Ultimately, after thinking seriously about ending my life for what I decided would be the last time, I decided that I deserved to at least try to be happy, whatever that looked like. 

Over the years, I learned how to TRULY love myself, how to set and maintain healthy boundaries in my relationships with others, how to make powerful decisions, and how to have the confidence and belief in myself to commit to my dreams and realize them.

And I can help you do it, too.

Here’s what my clients are accomplishing inside of the Mentorship:

“Today I feel like I am truly alive, and it's thanks to Sophie. I can attest that her coaching will translate into visible, immediate results in your mind and right before your eyes. Even if it sounds unbelievable, that is a fact.”
“I know now that I am enough. I can let people have their own emotions without trying to obsess over fixing them. I don’t make anything that anyone else does mean that I’m worthless like I used to. I will never give up my serenity for anything like that anymore. You are so freakin amazing and so spot on. Thank you!!!”
“There’s more peace around my relationship with my mom. My biggest area of growth was in self trust. And in confidence in general. I used to be very dependent on other people's opinions of me. Like, exclusively dependent on other people's opinions. And now it's more that other people are more questionable than I am. I’m hearing my own inner voice now. You don't take bullshit, honestly, in a loving way, and that was really helpful.”
“You actually made me define my goals and define the steps I need to take to get those goals. You helped me see that I am fully capable of doing these things and fully capable of holding myself accountable to creating the life of my dreams. This is an unbelievable gift you’ve given me through your work. You have beautifully transformed the way I think about those things and the way I approach life. And there are a million other things I could say.”
When You Join the Mentorship, you will receive These Amazing bonuses:
1 Month Additional Slack Support ($97 value) - Join now and get access to the private Slack community for a full month before the official group begins on _____. Get personalized help from me on weekdays in the channel right away, and start diving into the codependency recovery resources I’ll be sharing there. This is gold!!
Hard Copy of The Codependent Millennial Workbook + Expansion Pack (priceless) - A physical copy of my monstrous, totally exclusive workbook mailed straight to your door, no matter where in the world you are. This is the ONLY way to get a hard-bound copy of this book. (Seriously—I wouldn’t even give one to my best friend when she asked!) Experience the difference it makes when you put pen to paper during your journey through the Codependency Cure.

A complementary private coaching session with me ($300 value) - If you join the Mentorship and submit your payment within 24 hours of our discovery call, you will get a full hour session with me where we can work on absolutely anything that is on your mind. The results of this 1:1 session will ripple throughout your life in amazing ways for years to come.

You’ve been waiting long enough. It’s time for you to enjoy the kind of life that these women are already building inside of the Mentorship:
  •  Master a simple, failsafe framework to help you think through any problem.
  • ​Discover exactly where your boundaries are, and how to honor them.
  • ​Separate what your wants and needs from those of anyone else (even loved ones).
  • ​Make any decision confidently.
  • ​Leave or change toxic relationships that are harming you or holding you back.
  • ​Heal the resentment you feel towards people you truly care about and the guilt that comes with it.
  • ​Quit the avoidance and self-sabotage that comes up when you’re afraid or overwhelmed.
  • ​Let yourself feel afraid, and learn how to do it anyway.
  • ​Stop saying I should and start saying I did.

AKA, Frequently Asked 

(Yes, I just made that a word.)
  • How do I know I’ll see real change after joining?
  • The ONLY way you don’t see meaningful change come from this program is if you don’t do the work. If you’re active in the Slack community, joining us for calls, filling out the worksheets, journaling consistently, and asking me and your fellow members for help when you’re won’t believe how quickly things will start falling into place for you. This isn’t meant to be a casual journey of self-betterment; this group is for anyone who is ready to stamp out their codependency for good.  
  • “What if I only want to join for x many months?”
  • Codependency is something we’ve been conditioned for since childhood, and it’s not going away overnight. Six months might sound like a big commitment, but we’re using that time to cover the most important concepts for unlearning codependency PLUS make sure you have time to implement everything while you have access to me and your community support. Each month is structured to cover the fundamentals of healing codependency, and we’ll probably cover topics you haven’t even thought of yet!
  • What if my spouse doesn’t want to spend the money?
  • If you were sick and needed medicine, would they spend the money? If you were unskilled and needed education to be a functioning member of society, would they spend the money? Ultimately, you know the state of your finances better than I do. But if you’re tired of paying the price of struggling with codependency, maybe it’s time to invest in the healing that will free you from that burden forever.
  • I’m not sure now is the right time for me.
  • Feeling resistance to change is totally normal. But here’s what I’m worried about: if you know this is something weighing you down and you don’t commit to doing this work today, when will it get done? I’m actually asking. Because I can guarantee you will not find a better experience that teaches you how to heal codependency AND gives you the support you need to actually implement what you learn.
  • ​It’s okay to set boundaries and feel comfortable with your decision. But if feeling comfortable now means you stay codependent even longer, just know that that’s exactly what I want to help you move past.
  • Are there refunds available?
  • No. This program is so effective and completely fail-proof if YOU show up on your behalf. This is an investment in yourself, and that comes with money and also energy. If you're ready to show up for yourself in this way, let's go. If not, then ask yourself why you're not currently willing to give yourself the care that you deserve--sitting with this question and being open for the answers to come through will be really helpful for you.

Are you ready to get your life back?

There are two easy payment options:

6 payments
Billed every month for the 6 month period.
    ONE-TIME Payment
    Billed once.

      The Codependency Cure Group Coaching was made with you in mind if any of these sound familiar:

      • You just want to feel like the real YOU again. You don’t remember when exactly you started second guessing everything, but now even the tiniest decisions feel hard. You rely on the people around you to validate every choice you make. You spend your days hyper-aware of how everyone else is feeling. You’re terrified of doing or saying the wrong thing. And you’re exhausted by feeling that way.
      • ​You want to know what it feels like to make an investment in yourself. You’ll drop everything the moment someone else needs you, but when it comes to spending your resources on your #1 (that’s you!), it always gets pushed to the bottom of the list.
      • ​You’ve already enrolled in a dozen mini-courses, watched 1,000 “self love” webinars, and follow all the trendy IG therapists. And still you’re falling back on old habits. It’s not that you’re not motivated to change! You just haven’t had the accountability you need to see things through. Healing from codependency is really tough work, and without a strong support system it’s just too easy to walk away.
      • ​You KNOW you’re not happy with the way things are, even if you’re scared to make a change. You’ve made it this far down the page, so I know you’re angry about something. I know you must be sick of doom scrolling, and overeating, and swiping your credit card left and right, and wondering when your next relationship will fail...​ But I’ve been listening to you. When you email me and reply to my IG Stories and comment on my posts, you’ve told me that you want to make a change. You KNOW you’ll stay stuck unless you have accountability. Save your spot in this course before you go off to splurge on another shopping spree, and let’s make that change happen.
      • You’re not sure if now is the right time...but it IS time to switch things up. Because let’s face it. The “right time” is just a fantasy our brains use to keep us in places that feel familiar. Here’s the thing about codependency: it doesn’t get cured by you thinking to yourself, I’m ready to be done with this. You only recover from it by digging deep into your thoughts and behaviors, and working hard to shift them. If that’s a step you’re ready for, I’m ready to take you there. 

      Do you see yourself up there? 
      If so, I want to help you.

      Join Us
      Where will you be in 6 months?
      Will you still be…
      - Saying yes to plans when you’d rather say no?

      - Spending money you don’t have on food and gifts for your friends?

      - Buying designer bags that make you feel more important but don’t make you feel any less lonely?

      - Tiptoeing around what you say to your partner because you’re afraid of upsetting them?

      - Resenting your family because you take such good care of them, but they don’t take care of you?

      The part that makes me really sad is that those are all real-life examples.

      Real people I’ve met who weren’t ready to change the way they see the world. Real people who didn’t want to try building a life they weren’t totally miserable to live.

      I don’t want that for you. But the choice is yours.

      Copyright 2021 - Codependent Millennial Coaching
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