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Here’s what my clients are accomplishing inside of the Mentorship:

“Today I feel like I am truly alive, and it's thanks to Sophie. I can attest that her coaching will translate into visible, immediate results in your mind and right before your eyes. Even if it sounds unbelievable, that is a fact.”
“I know now that I am enough. I can let people have their own emotions without trying to obsess over fixing them. I don’t make anything that anyone else does mean that I’m worthless like I used to. I will never give up my serenity for anything like that anymore. You are so freakin amazing and so spot on. Thank you!!!”
“There’s more peace around my relationship with my mom. My biggest area of growth was in self trust. And in confidence in general. I used to be very dependent on other people's opinions of me. Like, exclusively dependent on other people's opinions. And now it's more that other people are more questionable than I am. I’m hearing my own inner voice now. You don't take bullshit, honestly, in a loving way, and that was really helpful.”
“You actually made me define my goals and define the steps I need to take to get those goals. You helped me see that I am fully capable of doing these things and fully capable of holding myself accountable to creating the life of my dreams. This is an unbelievable gift you’ve given me through your work. You have beautifully transformed the way I think about those things and the way I approach life. And there are a million other things I could say.”
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