Stop wasting your precious life on people pleasing. Stop it NOW.

This guide will help you make permanent changes that allow you to truly enjoy the rest of your life.

What's really in this free guide, anyway?
  • Replays of Live Trainings: Powerful teaching AND powerful coaching. These trainings will teach you brand new material about how to stop people-pleasing that you have NEVER heard before. I'm serious.
  • Journal Prompts: Implement what you learn in the replays with CONCRETE steps that will help you reflect internally so that you can change your behavior externally. This is where the rubber meets the road.
  • Collection of my favorite resources: Don't spend hours and days and months searching the internet for the inspiration, motivation, & education that you need to stop people-pleasing and reclaim your life. I've collected them all here for you in a tidy package. Enjoy!
  • ​Memes!! Because why stop people-pleasing if you can't laugh all along the way? As Emma Goldman once said, "a revolution without dancing is not a revolution worth having", and I feel the same way about laughter. We're doing deep healing work here, but that doesn't mean we can't do it with joy!



Let's be honest:

You deserve a life that doesn't revolve around people-pleasing, self-doubt, guilt, shame, & anxiety.

This codependency-free life is possible, but so many of us struggle to get there.

There is an infinite amount of information out there--so many people trying to tell you that you just have to "communicate to your partner so they can meet your needs" (God no!! Horrible advice!!) and you could spend years searching without making any progress.

That was my story for a loooong time, but it doesn't have to be yours.


In this ultimate guide, I'll take you through a powerful process where you will: 

>Finally understand your codependent behavior (people pleasing, low self worth, boundary issues, perfectionism, jealousy, guilt and shame, indecision, anxiety, and so much more...)
>Identify what your focus will be during 2022
>Make a plan for permanent change that is custom made for YOU (so it's not some fantasy plan made for someone robotic and's a plan that will work with real life)

It doesn't have to take you years.
It doesn't have to be complicated.
It doesn't have to feel frustrating and hopeless.

It can happen quickly.
It can be simple and even enjoyable.
It can feel exhilarating, fun, and empowering as hell.

This guide will shorten your path and speed up your success so that you can start living the life you've always wanted to live....and it's free. 

Don't wait. There is NO reason for you to stay in this painful place. Let's go, babe.
"My anxiety is at a zero after doing this work. If I didn't have this course, I don't think that I would be where I'm at mentally right now. I used to have anxiety about talking to my mom, about seeing my mom but doing anything with her. My people-pleasing was running everything. Thank you." 

My clients achieve incredible things when they stop putting everyone else before themselves in their own lives. 

You can experience this change for yourself with this free guide to stop people-pleasing. 
Here are some of their


"I've been so transformed by this."
"When I first found you, I had no idea what coaching was. I was like 'what is this??' but I saw the huge transformation in my best friend who coached with you before & I just didn't want to keep trying to do it alone anymore. 

I just wasn't happy with the way my life was going so I decided to try it. After the first call I realized how powerful this is.

Every part of my life is different. I've been so transformed by this--and so has my husband! I feel like he's part of the group too, he loves all of it."

"My life changed after the first call."
"When I say that my life was changed after the very first call she and I had, I'm not exaggerating. I know it sounds too good to be true, but it's the truth. 

Sophie helped me undo decades of insidious, self-sabotaging habits that had defined who I was as a person. I feel like I am truly alive now and it's thanks to Sophie. 

Her coaching will translate into visible, immediate results in your mind and right before your eyes." 

"I got my life back."
"People ask me now 'how did you do it?' and I tell them that I paid the money and did the work, and they say 'isn't there a way that's faster or free?' and I just say 'well, what is it going to cost you to be stuck forever?' 

Of course this is worth the money because you get yourself back. Like, how much would you pay to get yourself back?And if you're wondering about this work, if you know you're codependent, why would you wait? Because you can get started on it right now. 

Like, why wouldn't you just start right now, as soon as possible to get unstuck and be free?"

 "Got My First Sales Coming In The First Week!"
 "Got My First Sales Coming In The First Week!"
 "Got My First Sales Coming In The First Week!"
 "Got My First Sales Coming In The First Week!"

Who am I...reeeeally?

Hey guys.

I was THE Codependent Millennial. 

I used to live my life exclusively in order to get other people to see me a certain way. 

It was lonely, exhausting, depressing, painful, and just felt icky (not to mention suicidal lol...taking the power out of suicidal thoughts with humor is a passion of mine).

I healed my codependency and developed a thorough, practical, and universally applicable approach that you can use, too...and I want to share it with you on this free training!

My goal is to provoke in you radical honesty, self trust, transformational epiphanies, & a coming home to the self. 

I'm so happy you're here & I can't wait to see how you change your life with this work.
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